How to Improve Your Website Photos Without Using a Professional Photographer

If you want to add or update photos on your website, but only have access to the camera on your mobile phone, here are some tips that can improve your photo:

Choose Your Setting

Be purposeful about where you take your photograph. Moving to a conference room, a hallway, or a lobby can provide a pleasing setting. Have your subject stand against a background that contrasts with their appearance. For example, if the subject is wearing light-colored clothing, place them in front of a dark wall, cabinet, or bookshelf. Likewise, if they are wearing something dark it is a good idea to have them stand in front of a plain office wall (perhaps framed by a plant).

Takeaway Tip: Contrast makes for a better picture.

Lighting is Everything

If possible, step outdoors and use the daylight to highlight your subject. By doing so, you have solved both your background and lighting issue in one shot. If you are inside, never stand your subject in front of a window. Instead, it is you (the photographer) who should stand with your back to the window while your subject faces the light coming in. If you don’t have natural light, use a lamp next to you to shine onto your subject. Remember, shadows can ruin a picture.

Takeaway Tip: Shine the light onto your subject.

A Natural Shot

Instead of staring straight into the camera, consider a more natural shot. Have your subject looking at a computer or speaking with a co-worker who is standing over the shoulder of the photographer. Looking straight into the camera can work, but a portrait looks best if the subject’s shoulders are at angled away from the camera while their head is squarely facing the camera. A quick twist of the shoulders adds depth to the subject.

Takeaway Tip: A natural pose is more appealing.

Give Your Subject a Heads-Up

Try not to show up at the subject’s desk and say “Smile!” If you must take a quick photo, let your subject have a few moments to prepare and compose themselves. Sudden snaps often show in a photograph.

Takeaway Tip: Don’t surprise your subject.

For easy, professional-looking photographs using the camera on your phone, follow the rules above. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

A quick outline of the topics covered in this article.